Thursday- We helped out at the food bank. It’s a pretty cool experience you meet a lot of the people in need that live in Montpelier. All the food is donation stuff and some of it is pretty good. Other stuff stores have to get rid of it because it’s at the sell by date and it’s a bit questionable. Then we had weekly planning and 12 week. So by that time it was dinner. We had a good experience though. We met the Gillies family and they are less active but want to get to the temple so we are going to start helping them!
Friday- By the way, by this point all the snow had melted :( But Friday was a pretty cool day; the snow storm broke a bunch of branches around town like every other yard had busted up trees. But we helped a couple people clean them up and take them to the landfill. We helped a couple other trucks unload while we were there. We met the Lyngars; a nice couple, a little crude, but very friendly. We talked with them for a while and there was a pretty spiritual point then the husband started asking questions that didn’t really make sense. He got into some anti Mormon stuff online and doesn’t believe in the Book of Mormon now. Most of what he said I’m pretty sure wasn't even factual but he was a little upset when we didn’t seem troubled over what he was saying. They have had missionaries in the past and don’t seem like they really want to progress, like they might but they mostly just want to have hang out buddies instead of missionaries. We'll try a couple more times and see where things go. Hopefully we can get past the rough exterior.
Sunday- we went to the dingle ward, really good sacrament
meeting mostly about charity and it sparked a couple of ideas for some talks we
have coming up in the wards. My pen died so I couldn’t wright half way through
my thought. Hopefully I can remember the rest by the time I get new pens.
This week has been super good and it’s amazing to see the work
of the Lord progress. Keep nourishing your seeds of faith, heck if it’s a tree
already don’t stop. Our spirits will begin to wither if they aren't nourished,
it doesn't matter what stage of life we are in or how far we have progressed in
the gospel.
Love you all!! And have an awesome week.