Monday- pretty usual Monday shopping and stuff. Then we took
Brother Turners hawk hunting again. This time we had a rabbit ready so we didn't
have to worry about finding anything. we may have picked a little to big of a rabbit
though. The Hawk latches on with its talons, so ideally it grabs the neck and
crushes it.... but it grabbed its back, then the rabbit took off, the hawk
refused to let go, so it was flailing its wings around to stay on. It looked
like a rodeo, but the hawk had this helpless look on its face like. what do i
do! It was a lot of fun
Tuesday- District meeting, plus a district cook out, we have
a couple of people going home so we sent them off with a party. well as much of
a party as our budget and time would afford. Then we had a lesson with an
elderly lady named Betty. Shes been taught forever like years before I even got
on my mission, she likes to see us but doesn't want to progress... then we went
and headed down to Cokeville. Saw a couple, the wife is struggling with her
testimony so we are trying to teach them, as we were talking she got an
ambulance call and headed out to a car wreck. (somehow a deer crashed through
the back window of the vehicle)
Wednesday- we moved Cokeville stuff into a new apartment to
prepare for the new elders going in there, then we went and saw Joe and his
family. It was a good day.
Thursday-Train the trainers!! So I will be training again so
we went to Soda to have our train the trainers meeting. It was awesome there will
be another fairly large group of new missionaries coming in. about 11 new
elders and 3 new sisters, and that's on top of the 26 or so elders still in
training. Anyways the meeting was awesome a lot about turning outward, and
loving them enough to correct them. There was a big question asked about how to
lovingly rebuke someone. and one elder gave an answer that I thought was
awesome, it was about coming to where they are at. so before you tell them what
they are doing wrong ask them questions until you are at the same level of
understanding, I don't know how to explain it Elder Anderson did a really good
job at it. Then when we got back to Montpelier we had weekly planning! that
took up most of our day.
Friday- Lots of area book work, with the transfer coming we
have to make a new one for Cokeville so fun. Our lesson with the Hunsakers
fell through the kids had to go to there dads.
Saturday- We had a lesson with a recent convert, we shared Lehi's vision and talked about enduring. then we headed over to Cokeville, to
get ready for church there in the morning. So no longer my area but one of the
Family's I was teaching in Pocatello (the Nielson's) She got baptized and her
husband was able to do it!!! When I had left we had taught them the lessons set
the date and all that was left was interviews, mostly the husband and the
bishop. I also got word that Mark who we had been working with for about 3 1/2
months when I left, has now accepted a date for the end of October! So I'm kinda
bummed that i couldn't attend her baptism and I probably wont make Marks but
Its awesome to know that those who I met, helped and taught are still
Sunday- An awesome fast and testimony meeting, we said a lot
of good byes around Cokeville. That was most of the day, just seeing those we
came to love and sharing a last testimony.
All and all its been an awesome week, lots of good news. I
love this gospel, to see the change and miracles it brings into the lives of
all those who apply it. there was a testimony this
Sunday and the guy started
off saying, I've been asking myself does the gospel make life easier. I
personally have a testimony that it does, not only in temporal blessings and
trials that we can avoid, but when we are faced with adversity, we have a faith
and hope for a better day and a brighter future, the hope is well described in
a Mormon message featuring a message from Russell M. Ballard. titled Mens Hearts Shall Fail
them. Also expressed greatly in D&C 128:19. I know this
gospel was made by a loving Heavenly Father who wants to see us succeed! This
is His Church I bear this testimony in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.
Love you all and hope you have an awesome week!
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